Hufflepuffs: A Dedication

In wizarding history, we often hear of tales of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins: Gryffindors for their bravery, Ravenclaw for their wisdom, and Slytherins for their ambition. As a Gryffindor myself, I have a hard time grasping the concept that Hufflepuffs don’t get enough love in the wizarding world, which is why I am dedicating this blog post to them! Here are a few reasons why I love Hufflepuff:

1: The Hufflepuff Dormitory is right by the kitchen! Hello midnight snack satisfying!


2: The House Mascot is a Honey Badger! We all know that Honey Badgers just don’t give a..well, you know 😉


3: Hufflepuffs are particularly good finders!


4: Hufflepuffs look out for their friends!


5: A lot of successful witches and wizards were (and are) Hufflepuffs!


And last but certainly not least, J.K. Rowling herself has nothing but GOOD things to say about Hufflepuff!


I could go on all day about why Hufflepuffs are AMAZING, but I think (and hope) that all of the non-Hufflepuffians get my point. Some of the greatest people that I have come to know in my life are Hufflepuffs, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t trade them for the world (not even for all the Gringotts money!). I love ya, Badgers! =) XOXOXOXO

The Legendary Butterbeer Float

Butterbeer float. I heard this term and thought it sounded absolutely amazing. Ice cream AND butterbeer? Divine.

Then I realized you could use butterbeer ice cream and butterbeer to create the sweetest, most decadent treat in all of the Wizarding World.

This item is not an official menu item at Hogsmeade nor Diagon Alley so if you ask a team member to make you one, they probably won’t know what you’re talking about. But it doesn’t stop you from making it yourself! You will need a regular butterbeer, an order of butterbeer ice cream and an extra cup. The Fountain of Fair Fortune is the best place to get these items seeing as they sell both butterbeer and butterbeer ice cream!


The first step is to split up the butterbeer between the two cups. Since most of the butterscotch flavoring is in the foam, you will need to pass the liquid between the cups several times to ensure proper butterscotch taste. Keep in mind, the foam expands while you do this, so you will end up with 2 cups that are 2/3 of the way full. I recommend this be shared because it is quite rich and because it’s hard to eat your float while carrying around 2 cups!


The last step is to split the butterbeer ice cream between the two cups.


YUM! If you are sharing this with someone, it will cost you a little more than $4 each if you use your annual pass discount.


Ta-da! It’s very rich and very sweet but soooOoOO worth it. It would be interesting to try this with frozen butterbeer! It might be a bit harder to mix everything together but I personally prefer frozen butterbeer to regular butterbeer. If anyone tries this, let me know how it is!

Are there any special items that you have come up with at the parks that are not available on a menu? Let us know in the comments! We can start our own Wizarding World secret menu.

The Golden Trio: How the friendship all began

For all Harry Potter fanatics, we often refer to Harry, Ron, and Hermione as the Golden Trio. However, sometimes we forget that they did not start out as friends, until it all changed thanks to a troll attack in the girl’s bathroom at Hogwarts.

“Troll in the Dungeon! Thought you oughta know..”


This scene had me gritting my teeth. I remember thinking for sure that Hermione was done for!


Harry and Ron defeat the troll, and rescue Hermione!


“From that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend. There are some things you can’t share without ending up like each other, and knocking out a twelve- foot mountain troll is one of them.”
